
Iceberg antarctica glacier !

the iceberg antarctic is 4320 sq km. In area.the topest in the world. The british survey with conformed US national ice center as it wonderfull. If melting point cross to dengerus for world. . If ibe ice melting to level is reached when ice is solid than the level below.the ice glacier ocean and see only nature depand are every movment.

My payment try again !

IRB inform to needs might is keep any mistake to at end. Other browser used to the solved are can be problem. Undrstand to time taken payment are organisation capecity so don't any tell. Error missing word incarrect word used to make to can be incomplet. Income tax returne file maked to are issu if no file fill. Goverment issu is maked one at creative point can to stop.the sucess to attention are required mostly important part atteped. Make sure my payment will be real time with doesn't try again. The address as street line 1 and line 2 town city state and contry with pincode are fixed. The doacment is required with important facter. The payments are all public needed so very care.

Corona negative result from new medibin !


Dahi vada recipe !

the vada is make to urad disolved in the water minmum 5 and 6 hours. than the mixed to paste with snake size to ready for fry in oil. The browun color to fry again disolved the cold water to display in dahi mix. Zirra distroyed to make dahi beter to test with need is salt for ready eating recipe. I hope you will be like and try to it. If apply or other type to suggest you are most welcome.

Now corona in india !

the now corona is to again effected alert must as to be vaccine persent but care before applyed. The mask distance with safe at to home are can be follow to safe belived. The was beter time but some problemb to fight to bcomes can be stabivity. WE are know to safe with safty lifestyle will be apply to safe and care. Our siencetist are want to permanent solvion and the work with reality to for helth. The medical sicnce is more advance but care to all in all we are ?

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